Tag: Jennifer Black Reinhardt
A DAY FOR SANDCASTLES– Let’s talk wordless picture books
Dadaji’s Paintbrush— a heart-touching tale❤️

Maybe it’s the holidays? Waxing nostalgic? But this well-written, beautifully illustrated picture book brought me to tears. Dadaji’s Paintbrush written by Rashmi Sirdeshpande and illustrated by Ruchi Mhasane is a heart-touching, heartwarming, heart-felt, tug-at-my-heartstrings, picture book. Dadaji’s grandfather teaches him to paint. They use their fingers and flowers to create …
Knight Owl by Christopher Denise

I keep seeking out character books because these days I find them few and far between. Here’s one for everyone’s bookshelf, Knight Owl, by Christopher Denise. We are all probably familiar with Christopher Denise’s glorious artwork from the Redwall series, Bunny in the Middle, Firefly Hollow, just to name a …
Donut~The Unicorn Who Wants to Fly
Good Night Little Bookstore 📚
Yours in Books~Julie Falatko & Gabriel Alborozo
MINA by Matthew Forsythe
The Bluest of Blues by Fiona Robinson

THE BLUEST OF BLUES, Anna Atkins and the First Book of Photographs, written and breathtakingly illustrated by Fiona Robinson. Having a father who was a scientist, Anna Atkins was inspired by nature and education from a very early age. She studied shells, plants, insects, and illustrated their minute details. Her …
The Art of Production in the work of Arnold Lobel

When I visited The Kerlan Collection of Children’s Literature at the University of Minnesota, I was struck, inspired, surprised, and overjoyed, by many things. Seeing artwork created by iconic illustrators was incredible. The subject of my post today was one of the most overwhelming discoveries that I made and I …