Tag: Jill Esbaum
Russell Wrestles the Relatives + interview w/Cindy Chambers Johnson & giveaway!
HAWK RISING, an interview with Maria Gianferrari, + a giveaway!
HOW TO CODE A SANDCASTLE, interview with Josh Funk + a giveaway!
MOUSELING’S WORDS, + an interview with author Shutta Crum

If you’re longtime followers here, you may recognize this little story, because I’ve probably talked about it before. But I can remember the lightbulb moment (more like lightning!), as a little kindergartener, sitting in my small green chair, when I suddenly comprehended that letters could be put together to form …
Behind the Scenes w/HOW TO GROW A DINOSAUR + a giveaway!
Let’s Go Pick a Pine Tree (or put on your lucky elf hat and maybe you’ll win one)!
Happy Halloween, Frankenbunny!

When my kids were little, one of the picture books they particularly loved was Nancy Carson’s Loud-Mouth George & the Sixth-Grade Bully. As I turned pages, getting closer and closer to the moment the bully got his comeuppance, they’d be leaning into me, practically clapping, gleefully anticipating that page turn. …