Tag: Jill Esbaum
If a T. Rex Crashes Your Birthday Party (and giveaway!)
The Cranky Ballerina, Interview and Sneak Peek!
I Want a Monster! (A Story With Kid Appeal)
Ollie and Claire, the Perfect Pair!

Say hello to Ollie and Claire, buddy story extraordinaire, by Tiffany Strelitz Haber, illustrated by Matthew Cordell (Philomel, 2013). Hello, Ollie. Hello, Claire. But, no. I’m saying it wrong, because these two do everything together every day. Hello, OllieandClaire. Here’s how Tiffany Strelitz Haber introduces them: “Ollie and Claire were a …
A Year of Borrowed Men, Plus a Conversation with Michelle Barker
Ella and Penguin Stick Together

Maybe it’s because my own kids had glow-in-the-dark space stickers (that, honestly, I think impressed me more than them). Maybe it’s because I like penguins. (Who doesn’t?) Wait. I think the real reason I’m loving Ella and Penguin Stick Together, by debut author Megan Maynor (with darling illustrations by Rosaline …