Tag: picture book biography
Sculpting a Picture Book (& A Double Giveaway!)
Go Team! Interview with Knopf Editor, Michelle Frey
Vincent Can’t Sleep by Barb Rosenstock and Mary GrandPré
New Release! DANGEROUS JANE (+ giveaways)

Exciting news! My picture book biography about Jane Addams, DANGEROUS JANE (illustrated by Alice Ratterree) releases from Peachtree Publishers September 1st — just in time for Jane’s birthday on September 6th! So I’d like to celebrate Ms. Addams by sharing a bit of my research, interviewing illustrator Alice Ratterree, and offering a …
Strong as Sandow
Book Release: OUT OF SCHOOL AND INTO NATURE (+Book Giveaway!)
THE MUSIC IN GEORGE’S HEAD Release! (+ Giveaways)

Big news! My new picture book, THE MUSIC IN GEORGE’S HEAD: GEORGE GERSHWIN CREATES RHAPSODY IN BLUE, releases from Calkins Creek today. George Gershwin’s birthday is also this month (Sept. 26), so I’m glad you stopped by to celebrate this incredible composer/pianist. You can also find out where the idea for this story came from, …