Tag: picture book
THE SWEETEST SCOOP – Interview with illustrator Stacy Innerst (+giveaway)
LUPE LOPEZ: ROCK STAR RULES inspired by real-life events!
BEING A DOG: A TAIL OF MINDFULNESS Interview with Maria Gianferrari (+ giveaway!)
The Art of Production in the work of Arnold Lobel

When I visited The Kerlan Collection of Children’s Literature at the University of Minnesota, I was struck, inspired, surprised, and overjoyed, by many things. Seeing artwork created by iconic illustrators was incredible. The subject of my post today was one of the most overwhelming discoveries that I made and I …
Who couldn’t use a hug?
We Are All Connected (+a giveaway)
LION NEEDS A SHOT- Birthday and Interview with Hyewon Yum (+ a Giveaway!)
THE RISE (AND FALLS) OF JACKIE CHAN: Interview with Kristen Mai Giang & Alina Chau (+ Giveaway)
A PARK CONNECTS US— Birthday & Giveaway!

Welcome to Picture Book Builders, author Sarah Nelson. And welcome to the world of readers, A PARK CONNECTS US! Today is publication day for Sarah’s new picture book, illustrated by Ellen Rooney. I love celebrating book birthdays and am so happy that Picture Book Builders gets to toot the party horn today!🎉 …