Celebrate Summer with Rajani LaRocca and SUMMER IS FOR COUSINS!

We are absolutely thrilled to have Rajani LaRocca on Picture Book Builders today to talk about her newest picture book, Summer Is for Cousins!! If you didn’t already know, Rajani is the Newbery Honor-winning author of Red, White, and Whole, a middle grade novel in verse. She also writes fiction …

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Happy Book Birthday to CAN YOU HUG A FOREST? and an Interview with Frances Gilbert!

Andrea: It’s my favorite kind of birthday–a book birthday! Today on PBB we’re celebrating Frances Gilbert and her latest wonderful picture book, Can You Hug a Forest? Hi and happy book birthday, Frances! It’s great to have you back on Picture Book Builders! Can you tell us about Can You Hug …

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BEHOLD THE OCTOPUS! (Book Release + Giveaway)

My newest picture book, BEHOLD THE OCTOPUS! released 2 weeks ago from Peachtree Publishing. I’d love to take credit for coming up with the idea for a book about the clever, curious, and colorful octopus, but alas, I didn’t. Tom Gonzalez, the talented illustrator who I’d worked with on COUNTDOWN, …

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A Sneak Peek at BEING A CAT: A TAIL OF CURIOSITY + Book Giveaway!

Hello, PBB friends! We have a special guest posting for us today — my good friend Maria Gianferrari! Thank you, Maria! Take it away! ~Andrea Happy Spring! Calling all ailurophiles/cat lovers—it’s an almost BEING A CAT book birthday and the cat’s out of the bag: curiosity did not kill the cat! Are …

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WALLY THE WORLD’S GREATEST PIANO-PLAYING WOMBAT- Interview with author Ratha Tep (+giveaway)

Wally was the world’s greatest piano-playing wombat—until he realized there was an even more talented piano-playing wombat in town! This funny picture book’s bright colors and imaginative musical scenes teach children to have self-confidence when faced with competition. ~Wally the World’s Greatest Piano-Playing Wombat, flap copy Andrea: Hi Ratha! Thank …

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