Tag: picture book
The Line in the Sand by Thao Lam
Happy Book Birthday to CAN YOU HUG A FOREST? and an Interview with Frances Gilbert!
BEHOLD THE OCTOPUS! (Book Release + Giveaway)
A Sneak Peek at BEING A CAT: A TAIL OF CURIOSITY + Book Giveaway!
IMPOSSIBLE MOON by Breanna J. McDaniel
WALLY THE WORLD’S GREATEST PIANO-PLAYING WOMBAT- Interview with author Ratha Tep (+giveaway)

Wally was the world’s greatest piano-playing wombat—until he realized there was an even more talented piano-playing wombat in town! This funny picture book’s bright colors and imaginative musical scenes teach children to have self-confidence when faced with competition. ~Wally the World’s Greatest Piano-Playing Wombat, flap copy Andrea: Hi Ratha! Thank …