DON’T FEED THE COOS! But DO read this book. These are just 10 reasons why….
- There is a top secret case cover.
- The world really needs another picture book written in second person.
- There is a delightful outburst from the narrator that makes for an especially fun read aloud moment. (See image #1)
- The art is irresistible.
- This book offers a perfecto understatement when the mother discovers that a slew of coos have followed the main character all the way home and into the house. This is that line: “Your mother will not be pleased.” (See image #2)
- The coos poo. Everywhere. Plus, the word “poo” is hilarious.
- There is a moment in which the coos get named, and one of them is named Steve, and, let’s face it, you just can’t go wrong with naming a coo Steve.
- The coos also get scarves, and seeing coos in scarves is just about as adorable as anything can get.
- This book is almost enough to convince me that a houseful of coos might not be too bad.
- I love this book so much I wish I had written it. But I didn’t. Poo.

Many thanks to Jonathan Stutzman and Heather Fox for this coo-filled, poo-filled book!
“If it’s true that being pooped on by a bird brings good luck, Stutzman and Fox’s protagonist accrues some serious great fortune…Coo-coo story time fun.”—Kirkus
“Fox’s graphic illustrations echo the text’s giddy rhythms, with the pigeons styled…as pert, wide-eyed, always-in-profile graphic motifs that skip, flit, and, yes, poo prodigiously across the pages.” — Publishers Weekly
“Giggleworthy…a silly primer on the dos and don’ts of animal care-taking.” — Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books
Sounds like a very funny book. Reminds me of an incident we had when the kids were little. I bet even my grown kids would get a kick out of this one. Thanks for sharing.
This looks like great fun!
Wonderful! Pooing coos sounds good right about now!
SO fun! Thanks for the smile.
This sure looks adorable! And I love any book with a title that starts DON’T FEED THE…
How fun is this??!!
This looks like fun. Can’t wait to read.
This is such a fun book!
Coo Poo, love the humor.
How fun! Definitely putting this one on my list. Thanks, Tammi!!
This is a definite read for me. I need to find some funny about now!! Thanks for sharing, Tammi!
It’s on my TBR list–despite my bird phobia. Thanks for sharing, Tammi.
So. Much. Fun. Looking forward to getting my hands on this book. : )
I love this book. What a fun review!
This looks intriguing. Thanks for sharing!
Funny! I know of 5 who will love this book, especially since it uses the word POO. LOL. Thanks for sharing!
This sounds so fun!