When a Tree Grows + an interview with debut author Cathy Ballou Mealey AND a giveaway!

I could not be happier to bring you a chat with debut author Cathy Ballou Mealey. Cathy’s a long-time subscriber to PBB, so I’ve been counting down the weeks until I could post about WHEN A TREE GROWS! First, a look at her delightful book: From the publisher: “When Moose …

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You Are Home, by Evan Turk

I don’t remember where I first saw mention of author-illustrator Evan Turk’s upcoming YOU ARE HOME — An Ode to the National Parks. I only remember how my heart rate picked up when I saw this cover. Actually, I think my family has a slide of my brother and me …

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Thank you!

Hard to believe how 2018 has flown by. I didn’t want it to end without thanking YOU, loyal readers, for dropping in on us again and again, keeping up with us as we talk all things picture books. Thanks, too, for your occasional comments. Not much fun writing if nobody’s …

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An Inconvenient Alphabet + An Interview w/Author Beth Anderson + a Giveaway!

I’m excited today to talk about Beth Anderson’s debut picture book, AN INCONVENIENT ALPHABET. This one had me at the cover. But when I got a look inside, word nerd me was absolutely bowled over. What struck me about this book—other than the delightful story itself and the lively, detail-packed …

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