Treasures Found!

In Prince and Pirate, by Charlotte Gunnufson, illustrated by Mike Lowery, two completely different fish, one a prince, the other a pirate (thus the name of the book,) living in their own private domains (fishbowls) are scooped up by some greater force from above (with a net) and plopped into …

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Knock, knock.

How could anyone not stop, pick up, and thumb through a book called Pete With No Pants. I mean curiosity alone would make me wonder 1) WHY is it a book, 2) is this appropriate, and 3) why doesn’t he have any pants, is he too poor to afford them? Were …

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Effin’ F&Gs

The Neuroticism of Accomplishment (#16 in a series) In the picture book world, for those unfamiliar, authors and illustrators are given the opportunity to have a look-see at what their soon-to-be, real-life book will look like. It is an assemblage of pages called an F&G, which stands for folded and …

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Under the sea…

Narwhal, Unicorn of the Sea by Ben Clanton is a marvel. An undersea romp with confidence and joy and a little bit of absurdity.   The opening line, “NARWHAL IS REALLY AWESOME,” pretty much nails this terrific little book.  It contains short tales, natural history facts, and even a song …

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Mojo gone missin’

(This is the post I was supposed to put up early last month. Kind of a new year’s post. I think early February still counts…) Last year was a tough year. It was full of fear and stress and disappointment and sadness. The passing of what seemed like an extraordinary number …

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A Child of Books

I am a huge Oliver Jeffers fan, so when a trusted employee at my indie book store brought me a new book by him and told me that everybody at the store loved it, I said, “I’m not even going to read it first, I’m buying it!” And I did. …

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