Line Envy.

Okay, sorry writers, this is really illustration-oriented. My illustrations have been called cartoon-like in the past, and I’m fine with that. In the most basic sense, my illustrations seem to be black lines with color fills. Which can be, well…cartoon-like. The second to the last book I did (Swamp Gas) …
A ROUND OF ROBINS and Katie Hesterman Interview (plus Giveaway!)
New Year – New Goals!

Last January 1st, my New Year’s Day post shared tips on setting S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, & Timely.) Many of you shared your goals and hopes (Tina, Kathy H., Linda, Lynne, Jill, Rebecca Kathy D., Mike, Patty), while others privately set plans for the next year. So let’s look back …
“The Writer’s Playlist” by Tammi Sauer

Writers seldom sit down at their desks, pop their knuckles, and proceed to churn out breathtaking poems, stories, and books. Writers experience a wide variety of feelings during the creation of each new manuscript. In honor of the emotional rollercoaster faced by writers everywhere and in honor of those people …
Happy Holidays to you and yours…
Thank you!
Imagine that.

I have a love/hate relationship with wordless picture books. Well, not really “love/hate,” more like a “love/um?” relationship. As an illustrator, my love for them is obvious. A whole story told in pictures! How cool is that? As a parent, “reading” wordless picture books to kids, for me, was occasionally …