Pittsburgh & Picture Books

Last weekend I was invited to be part of a Pittsburgh SCBWI conference focusing on picture books. The event was rather unique because all the presenters were part of the “team” that created one picture book — The Music in George’s Head: George Gershwin Creates Rhapsody in Blue. This team included the …

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How and Why Katherine Applegate and I made SOMETIMES YOU FLY + GiVeAwAY!

Some of you may have heard of the author of the recent book I illustrated? Her name is Katherine Applegate. And, friends, this talented Newbery Medalist is as thoughtful and lovely as the books she writes. What an honor and privilege it has been to be a part of Sometimes …

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Stacy McAnulty on EARTH!, Engineering & Humor (Plus Giveaway!)

This gallery contains 7 photos.

A few months ago at a book festival, I was sitting at the signing tables across a large, cavernous room from the stage. Even at this distance, in a jam-packed building known as The Barn, I had no trouble hearing the cascades of laughter coming from the reading area. Who …

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The Nonfiction Detectives: An Interview with the Experts

Today I’m delighted to welcome two extraordinary picture book experts to our blog — Cathy Potter and Louise Capizzo. Cathy and Louise are the founders of The Nonfiction Detectives, an inspired blog where they discuss the best in children’s nonfiction books. I’ve enjoyed their blog for years, and I’m sure …

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