Debut Tuesday: Lucy Margaret Rozier & Jackrabbit McCabe
I love hearing people’s path-to-publication stories. I mean, who doesn’t love a tale of struggle, heartache, and resilience in overcoming steep odds? So when my friend Susie Wilde—writing coach, teacher, and Kid Lit Ambassador Extraordinaire—told me her student Lucy Rozier recently had her first book published, I knew I wanted her to visit …
Favorite classic animal characters 2
I’m back with a follow-up report on my previous post about ‘ Favorite Classic Animal Characters’ in picture books. Thanks to everyone for commenting and suggesting titles! I’ve been on a quest to find anthropomorphic characters that I could love as much as those chapter book classics; Frog and Toad, Winnie-the-Pooh, …
Celebrate: Gorgeous Picture Book Covers!
WARNING: A Hungry Lion, or a Dwindling Assortment of Animals (+ GIVEAWAY)
Making Yaks Yak with Linda Sue Park, A Book Giveaway and a Birthday!
Meet Teeny Tiny Toady, and Say Hello to Keika Yamaguchi!
Before I Leave
A Chat with Brooke Boynton Hughes (and a Book Giveaway!)
Three years ago, when Random House editor Maria Modugno was considering illustrators for my manuscript Henry Wants More!, she shared a sample of Brooke Boynton Hughes’s work. Well, I was smitten. And I’m hardly alone in my admiration. Brooke has won SCBWI’s Mentorship Award and two Portfolio Honor Awards in …