Collecting the extraordinary story~IN A JAR, an interview w/Deborah Marcero

Have any of you had the pleasure of reading Deborah Marcero’s stunning new picture book, IN A JAR? I bought one for myself. I bought one for a friend. It is that pretty. That precious. That special. Llewellyn, aside from being a darling little white bunny in a hooded sweatshirt, …

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Goldfish on Vacation by Sally Lloyd-Jones and Leo Espinosa

“Sometimes it’s hard being a goldfish. You dream of growing fat and exploring coral reefs. But instead here you are in a bowl. Going round and round in circles. And sometimes it’s hard being a child in the summer in the city. All your friends leave and there’s no one …

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PROFESSIONAL CROCODILE by Giovanna Zoboli & Mariachiara Di Giorgio

Professional Crocodile is a wonderfully wordless picture book that was first published in Italy. I decided to write about it today because it feels so full to me of character and story that I don’t notice that there are no words. Mr. Crocodile wakes up and begins his day. He …

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MAYBE TOMORROW? by Charlotte Agell and Ana Ramírez González

MAYBE TOMORROW? by Charlotte Agell and Ana Ramírez González deals with some very deep, hard, big topics (depression, death, sadness, grief) in such a successfully approachable way. It’s a special combination when a book can be so comfortably relatable to a child and so uplifting to an adult as well. …

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