Year: 2023
Big Tune: Rise of the Dancehall Prince

Is anyone else, after four whole days of spring, already dreaming about the balmier months ahead? Well…”It’s the weekend, first in June; / speaker’s blasting out big tune!” So begins Big Tune: Rise of the Dance Hall Prince, out on March 28. Written by Alliah L. Agostini and illustrated by Shamar Knight-Justice, …
The World’s Longest Licorice Rope by Matt Myers
Wild Blue by Dashka Slater & Laura Hughes
Whatever Comes Tomorrow, an interview with Rebecca Gardyn Levington
Maple & Rosemary

The pairing of Alison James’ writing and Jennifer K. Mann’s illustration is brilliant. Or exquisite. Or both. I am enamored with their beautiful new collaboration, Maple & Rosemary. Rosemary is a young girl and Maple is…uh, well…a tree. And where better for a friendship to grow? Let’s get this out …
A WONDER DOGS! chat with the Wonderful Karen Obuhanych (+ Giveaway!)
EVERYONE LOVES LUNCHTIME BUT ZIA Interview with Author Jenny Liao

Once a day I experience forty minutes of absolute chaos and those forty minutes are called “cafeteria duty.” There are illegal snack trades to crack down on and treacherous linoleum to navigate. Cartoonists, take note: banana peels aren’t that slippery, but boiled green beans are the black ice of the …
IMPOSSIBLE MOON by Breanna J. McDaniel
Walter Had a Best Friend by Deborah Underwood

Hello, people. Have you ever had a best friend…until you didn’t? Deborah Underwood and Sergio Ruzzier explore this experience in their heartfelt book Walter Had a Best Friend. Behold the opening spreads: This delightful opening establishes the friendship between Walter and Xavier. Then something occurs. And that something occurs slowly…and …