Book about female sportswriter is a home run

The summer before my freshman year of high school, I decided I wanted to be a sportswriter. I devoured the sports section of my local newspaper, The Oshkosh Northwestern, and the sports section of The Milwaukee Sentinel. I also read Sports Illustrated magazine and books by Frank Deford, the sportswriting king …
Gold medals and a giveaway — plus Wilma Rudolph
Meet Miranda Paul’s WHOSE HANDS ARE THESE?

It seems like we just welcomed in the New Year. But now, it’s almost February. And that means it’s nearly time to celebrate another new beginning. And that’s the launch of Miranda Paul’s newest picture book WHOSE HANDS ARE THESE? This book, which is illustrated by Luciana Navarro Powell and published by …
STAR BRIGHT — a bright star among picture books
The ultimate ‘awww’-inducing picture book
Meet Jill McElmurry: The artist behind SHARING THE BREAD

One of my favorite things is learning which illustrator will create art for the stories I write. And, I was especially excited when I learned Jill McElmurry, the author and/or illustrator of more than 20 books, would bring SHARING THE BREAD: AN OLD-FASHIONED THANKSGIVING STORY to life. I’d seen her …