Big news! (And I mean really big.) In a few weeks — May 16th to be exact — the American Writers Museum opens in Chicago. That’s right. The first national museum featuring American writers and their works is making its home in the windy city. Talk about a must-see museum! So when AWM Program Director, Allison Sansone, recently invited me to visit, I jumped at the chance. Hope you enjoy this sneak peek of the museum.
NextGen Picture Book Writers!

Last weekend I had the privilege of meeting many talented young writers who’d created their own picture books, and other types of books, at the 43rd Annual Illinois Young Authors Conference (Yes, the 43rd!) This fantastic event celebrated exceptional writers in grades Kindergarten through 8th who’d won writing contests at their schools. (Each …
All Aboard the London Bus (+Giveaway!)

Hooray! Today I get to introduce an adorable new picture book–ALL ABOARD THE LONDON BUS by Patricia Toht (illustrated by Sam Usher) which releases next week (May 4th!) It’s the delightful story of a family exploring the exciting sights of London (Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, Big Ben, and much …
Announcing: the American Writers Museum!
Book Release: OUT OF SCHOOL AND INTO NATURE (+Book Giveaway!)
And the Caldecott goes to … RADIANT CHILD!
First 2017 Post — An Author’s First Book!
BABY LOVES Science! (+Giveaway)

Two gorgeous science books, BABY LOVES QUARKS! and BABY LOVES AEROSPACE ENGINEERING!, written by Ruth Spiro (illustrated by Irene Chan) released earlier this month from Charlesbridge. Being a science nerd, I instantly fell in love with these gorgeous and engaging books. So I’m extremely pleased to have author Ruth Spiro join …
THE MUSIC IN GEORGE’S HEAD Release! (+ Giveaways)

Big news! My new picture book, THE MUSIC IN GEORGE’S HEAD: GEORGE GERSHWIN CREATES RHAPSODY IN BLUE, releases from Calkins Creek today. George Gershwin’s birthday is also this month (Sept. 26), so I’m glad you stopped by to celebrate this incredible composer/pianist. You can also find out where the idea for this story came from, …