A Little More on ROAR! (the trailer)

In just a few days, ROAR!, my book with Liz Starin, releases. To celebrate, I wanted to share the trailer as well as some scoop on how the trailer came to be. The Trailer: ROAR!‘s trailer includes cameo appearances from some of today’s fiercest authors and illustrators. You’ve been warned. Please view responsibly. …
Illustrating THE INVENTOR’S SECRET—A Book Give-Away!!!!! And Suzanne’s Winners Announced!

Charlesbridge Publishing contacted me in June, of 2013 to ask if I would illustrate a non-fiction picture book written by our very own, spectacular, Suzanne Slade. The book is titled, THE INVENTOR’S SECRET, WHAT THOMAS EDISON TOLD HENRY FORD. In this 48 page non-fiction picture book, Suzanne shares the story of Thomas Edison’s successes and Henry …
Meet Jill McElmurry: The artist behind SHARING THE BREAD

One of my favorite things is learning which illustrator will create art for the stories I write. And, I was especially excited when I learned Jill McElmurry, the author and/or illustrator of more than 20 books, would bring SHARING THE BREAD: AN OLD-FASHIONED THANKSGIVING STORY to life. I’d seen her …
Irreverence, How I Love Thee
May I have another fraction of pizza, please?
In Step with History: Lillian’s Right to Vote
Ending With Notes

I’m currently illustrating a picture-book biography about J.R.R. Tolkien (by Caroline McAlister, coming Winter 2017), which is the first book I’m working on that has a significant amount of back-matter, including a bibliography, author and illustrator notes. It’s often the illustrator’s job to pace the story out over 32 pages …