Tag: rhyme
Let’s Go Pick a Pine Tree (or put on your lucky elf hat and maybe you’ll win one)!
Before You – Marvelous Metaphors!
Anika Denise talks Monster Trucks (plus Giveaway!)

We’ve had all sorts of good news around PBB lately, and I’m thrilled to keep it going. Today, author Anika Denise is here to chat about her new book, Monster Trucks (HarperCollins), illustrated by Nate Wragg (who we all know, of course, from the wonderful Elwood Bigfoot written by our own Jill Esbaum). Publishers Weekly gave …
Ollie and Claire, the Perfect Pair!

Say hello to Ollie and Claire, buddy story extraordinaire, by Tiffany Strelitz Haber, illustrated by Matthew Cordell (Philomel, 2013). Hello, Ollie. Hello, Claire. But, no. I’m saying it wrong, because these two do everything together every day. Hello, OllieandClaire. Here’s how Tiffany Strelitz Haber introduces them: “Ollie and Claire were a …
Chatting with Jane Dyer about ALL WE KNOW (& Giveaway!)
A Visit with Simona Mulazzani–and a Book Giveaway!
The ultimate ‘awww’-inducing picture book
Lots o’ Llamas (And MOMO Giveaway Winner!)
Starting Over

Ever had a great idea for a picture book—one you’re really excited about—only to discover your idea has already been fleshed out, written, illustrated and published so well there’s no point in pursuing the project? Disappointing, right? Ever discovered the existence of this book only after you’ve invested several months …