Year: 2019
MANHATTAN~an interview with Jennifer Thermes
It’s a Field Trip, Busy Bus! + Giveaway!
Last summer, I posted about an adorable new character, Jody Schaefer and illustrator Claire Messer’s Busy Bus, introduced to us in IT’S YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, BUSY BUS! (Beach Lane Books). In that first outing, Busy Bus’s worries mirror that of a new kindergartner as he struggles with first-day …
Suzanne Kaufman and TAKE YOUR PET TO SCHOOL DAY (+ Giveaway!)
TRUMAN by Jean Reidy and illus. by Lucy Ruth Cummins
THE SUPERLATIVE A. LINCOLN Author Interview (+SWAG Offer!)
Deborah Underwood Doodles (+GIVEAWAY)
PROFESSIONAL CROCODILE by Giovanna Zoboli & Mariachiara Di Giorgio
My picks for some strong back-to-school reads
My Totally Self-indulgent, Look What I Did Post
I’ve been in Red Wing, Minnesota all week with like-types at a retreat. And thought I’d share a little bit of my experience. I love hanging with other kid’s book building people. Meeting two fellow PictureBookBuilders there was especially nice. There was joy and inspiration at every turn. People read …