Tag: Jill Esbaum
WE LOVE BABIES! by me … and, you know, lots of other talented people.
This Cowgirl Ain’t Kiddin’ About the Potty + an interview with debut author Sarah Glenn Fortson + a giveaway!
When a Tree Grows + an interview with debut author Cathy Ballou Mealey AND a giveaway!
Hello, PENCIL! Plus interviews with its creators AND a GIVEAWAY!
New Year, New Hopes & Dreams
PENGUINAUT by Marcie Colleen
An Inconvenient Alphabet + An Interview w/Author Beth Anderson + a Giveaway!

I’m excited today to talk about Beth Anderson’s debut picture book, AN INCONVENIENT ALPHABET. This one had me at the cover. But when I got a look inside, word nerd me was absolutely bowled over. What struck me about this book—other than the delightful story itself and the lively, detail-packed …